M4M kink writing. Control and transformation of men. 18+ only.

Tag: financial domination (Page 2 of 2)

Poker with the guys, part 1

Didrik liked his job. It was challenging, the pay was great, and it was a bit of a coup for an early-career guy like him to land it. He was only 29, and he’d never managed a team before, but his years of experience with SalesFarm, the software platform the company recently adopted, had won him the job. 

He was young, full of energy, and eager to prove himself. There was just one problem: He didn’t fit in. 

When he was introduced to his team on the first day, Didrik expected to meet a group of recent college grads, with maybe one guy in his thirties who’d changed careers. Instead, he found himself awkwardly shaking hands with Bill, Doug, Jim, Lou, and Steve. Every guy he managed had at least 15 years on him, and their attitude in the workplace was unorthodox, to say the least. 

A pair of aces on top of a fan of US dollar bills
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The handshake

Harry tapped his fingertips against his desk, growing more impatient with each passing minute. He’d never had to wait ten minutes for an employee to respond to his emails, and the lack of response had gone from inconvenient to irritating. He scrolled through the list of his direct reports on the company’s instant messenger client, and his brow furrowed when he saw a small, yellow circle denoting inactive next to each of their names and portraits. 

“It’s ten-thirty in the morning,” Harry said to himself. “Where the hell is everybody?” 

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The life coach

Rick tapped a stylus against his tablet screen, closing out the notes he’d taken about the new client sitting in front of him. While he looked like any other middle-aged man going through an identity crisis, Stephen was an unusual case for a life coach like Rick in that he wasn’t looking for professional mentoring or goal setting. Stephen had sought Rick’s help to overcome a very specific, and very embarrassing, problem. 

“I just can’t bring myself to go to a therapist,” Stephen said as Rick looked up from his tablet. “It’s too humiliating. Do you think you can help me?” 

Rick puffed his cheeks out and exhaled sharply. “To be honest, I’m not sure. I want to help, but I don’t know if I’m the right kind of professional for your, shall we say unique situation. I’ve never even heard of findom before. I’ll need to do some research.” 

Man on a therapist's couch with the therapist writing in his notebook
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Courtesy call

Marc’s hands trembled as he reached for his cell phone. As soon as he had it safely in his sweaty palm, a pair of gloved hands clamped onto his shoulders and pulled him roughly back into his chair. Marc sighed with pleasure as the scent of Master’s leather gear filled his nostrils, and the sensation of Master’s hands on his naked body sent waves of arousal radiating outward from each point of contact. 

The phone continued to ring, but Marc hesitated to answer. He felt awkward taking this call while sitting naked in his Master’s dungeon. It was a further step in blurring the lines between facets of his life that were, until recently, strictly compartmentalized. Master deserved credit for blurring a lot of those lines Himself, and Marc had a hunch that the bank’s urgent requests to speak to him might be related to his new status as Master’s slave. 

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My Master’s Wallet (excerpt)

The following excerpt is from My Master’s Wallet: A Gay Findom Story, which is available exclusively for purchase on Kindle.

My date prodded me in the small of my back away from the counter, and we took a table in the back corner. Remembering the experience with the door, I went out on a limb and pulled out a chair for him. He smiled—a full one this time, not just a half smile—and sat down with his legs splayed wide. I tried to avoid staring at his bulging crotch, but I couldn’t help myself. The light gray fabric against the inside of his thighs was darkened with sweat. I thought again about my wallet and how strange it was that that it got to touch his cock before I did. I had a million questions going through my mind as I sat down opposite him, but his admonition from earlier still echoed in my head. 

Brent set his cup down on the table and placed my wallet on the chair, resting gently against his bulge. I couldn’t look away. I wanted so badly to be my wallet. 

Black wallet with money inside and dollar bills on top on white background” by wuestenigel is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
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My Master’s Wallet

Newly single and on the rebound, a forty-something gay man has been let down by hookup apps one time too many. Discouraged by endless swiping and being ghosted, he has low expectations when he meets Brent, a smoking hot guy half his age.

Brent turns out to be a smart, well dressed surprise, but everything changes on their first date. When Brent demands the older man’s cash, he unlocks a submissive streak that begs to be harnessed and forever changes the dynamic between them.

As time passes and Brent’s control advances into ownership, it becomes clear that while some men make great hookups and great boyfriends, some are destined to be nothing more than Master’s wallet.

My Master’s Wallet is a 6,800-word short story for sale exclusively on Amazon. All content in this story is fictional and describes activities between consenting, unrelated adults who are 18+.

Penny for your thoughts (My perfect dad 28)

This is a repost from a Tumblr series that I called “My perfect dad.” I’m preserving these older stories and continuing to write new ones available on this site first.

My cell phone just buzzed over on the table nearby. I’m only sitting a foot or two away, but I can’t reach over and check it. Not that I need to because I know exactly what’s going on. 

It just buzzed again. That was the sixth buzz since my Son tied me up and left me here. He told me that I needed to keep count and that there’d be a penalty if I told Him the wrong number of buzzes when He got back home. 

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Cash dad (My perfect dad 20)

This is a repost from a Tumblr series that I called “My perfect dad.” I’m preserving these older stories and continuing to write new ones available on this site first.

I never thought I would be one of those guys. I don’t even want to say the word. It’s so embarrassing. I was successful and independent. I did whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and I answered to no one. 

Damn, how much things can change in just a few months. It started so small, so innocuously, that I didn’t even really notice. A cup of coffee here, an after-work drink there. I have a comfortable life. Well, I had a comfortable life. Treating Him to dinner out once or twice a week barely registered. 

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