M4M kink writing. Control and transformation of men. 18+ only.

Tag: transformation (Page 2 of 4)

Themed rooms

Noah tapped the key card against the door panel and turned the handle. It was late, and he was exhausted. After a delayed flight, lost luggage, and a tumultuous cab ride in pouring rain, his brain was fried. The dozens of work emails he missed because the plane Wi-Fi was down would just have to wait. At this hour, the only thing he wanted to do was collapse into bed. 

It was long past midnight, and all the way from the airport, Noah feared his room had been resold. In a surprising demonstration of customer service, however, the Portal Hotel had held his reservation. Despite his exhaustion, Noah indulged the excitable desk attendant as he explained the hotel’s amenities. The guy was nice enough, and Noah especially enjoyed the way his pecs stretched his already tight shirt when he inhaled. 

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To chase and be chaste, part 5

Eric and Max’s predicament comes to an end, of sorts, in the conclusion from “To chase and be chaste, part 4.”

With his pants around his knees, Eric waddled back behind his desk and flopped down into his chair. “Come on,” he said to Max. “Get your phone out and do this with me.” 

“I’m not sure,” Max said, taking a seat in one of the chairs opposite Eric’s desk. “I’ve been trapped in this thing for a week, and I haven’t found a way out of them. I don’t think there is a way.” 

Eric opened a private browser window and pulled up DateMaker. “I can’t take it anymore, man. That meeting was a nightmare. My hands go numb every time they get near my cock. I keep knocking my bulge, and it’s like there’s nothing there. DateMaker can fuck off.” 

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Linked up (My perfect dad 42)

Neil balanced his laptop on the arm of the sofa and stretched, his foot knocking a half-empty bag of potato chips onto the floor in the process. It was the middle of the afternoon, but he still wore the ratty gym shorts and faded concert T-shirt he’d slept in the night before. The TV blared. Some trashy daytime talk show host was reading out the results of a paternity test amidst raucous jeers from the studio audience. A pyramid of soda cans balanced precariously on the windowsill, and a trio of empty takeout containers sat on the coffee table. 

One of the dozen browser tabs Neil had open chirped with a notification. He turned the TV down and sidled back to his laptop, quickly clicking through his social media profiles. 

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To chase and be chaste, part 4

Eric comes up with an idea for how to get out of his predicament, continued from part 3 of “To chase and be chaste.”

Trapped inside DateMaker’s underwear prison, Eric felt frustrated, empty, and hopeless. That night, he whined whenever he felt the impenetrable barrier between his fingertips and his cock and realized how often he unthinkingly groped himself. Periods of furious humping punctuated a fitful, dreamless sleep, and he awoke the next morning with bloodshot eyes and an incurable horniness that gave him no pleasure. 

He stumbled through his workday like a zombie. The combination of sexual denial and enforced numbness had affected his behavior in the office, and more than one colleague observed that he didn’t quite seem like himself. 

If they only knew, Eric thought as he tried to make it from the conference room to his office without anyone noticing or stopping him to talk. He was just a dozen paces away from the safety of his office when a gravelly, baritone voice called his name. 

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To chase and be chaste, part 3

Eric’s saga continues from part 2 of “To chase and be chaste.”

Eric tapped the RELEASE button on the screen. With the speed and force of a pressure valve being flipped, the sensation in his new underwear changed. The numbness was gone, and the rigid, plastic encasement felt like fabric again. Tentatively, Eric hooked a finger into the waistband and breathed a sigh of relief when it stretched away from his body. He was free. 

“Thank fuck,” he said, sliding the briefs down his thighs. He sat down naked on his sofa, legs splayed wide, and cradled his phone in his hands. DateMaker had locked him out of his phone once again. A countdown timer now filled the screen, ticking down from five minutes, and a line of text scrolled on a loop below. 

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Relaxing My Uptight Roommate (excerpt)

The following excerpt is from Relaxing My Uptight Roommate: A Gay Hypnosis Story, which is available exclusively for purchase on Kindle.

“Matt!” Oscar barked. “You’re getting the carpet wet. Go change.” 

Matt scurried down the hallway into Oscar’s bedroom and opened the door to his walk-in closet. He flipped through some shelves of neatly folded T-shirts and shorts, but then his gaze settled on a row of suits, collared shirts, and ties. Matt remembered how, when he first moved in, he would sneak glances of Oscar shedding his business attire at the end of a long workday, but he was no longer thinking about what Oscar looked like. He was thinking about how amazing it would feel to put on one of Oscar’s suits. 

Matt touched the fabric of a navy blue suit jacket and shivered as a wave of pleasure radiated outward from his cock. He was certain this wasn’t what Oscar meant when he said “go shopping” in his closet, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the smart-looking suits. The mindfuck of Oscar looking and acting more and more like Matt over the last several days now had Matt thinking what it would be like to flip the script on his sexy roommate. He wanted to try the suit on, and his cock agreed. 

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Relaxing My Uptight Roommate

Matt’s attraction to Oscar blinded him to the fact that they would be completely incompatible as roommates. After six months of living together, Oscar’s endless set of house rules has just about driven Matt crazy. As tensions between them rise, Matt rebels, Oscar holds his ground, and their already fragile roommate relationship starts to break down.

Enter Rex, an executive wellness coach who offers to mediate the disagreement. Matt is skeptical, but everything changes when Oscar reveals in a hypnotic trance that the attraction is mutual. Matt makes some suggestions to improve their relationship, and suddenly, Oscar is the perfect roommate. The two men explore new facets of their relationship, but as they grow closer, Matt starts to wonder if Oscar isn’t the only one changing.

Relaxing My Uptight Roommate is a 6,600-word short story. All content in this story is fictional and describes activities between consenting, unrelated adults who are 18+.

To chase and be chaste, part 1

Eric was a practiced hand. Each night after work, he sat on the couch for hours in nothing but socks and underwear and scrolled profiles on DateMaker. Any time a new match appeared in his inbox, the response was always the same: his standard opening line—Hey, hot stuff, you know you want this!—and a picture of his naked body with the head cropped out. He’d sent the same sentence so many times that his phone’s autocomplete had learned it, and all he had to do was tap the words on the screen. In a typical night, he’d send his dick pic to dozens of men and women, most of whom would never respond. 

On the off chance that he did get a response, Eric immediately directed the conversation toward sex and was relentless in his pursuit of his quarry. The conversations usually ended with the match going silent, or more frequently blocking him, but that didn’t stop him from beating off with one hand and typing explicit things with the other. Every night, Eric continued his chase undeterred, widening his search radius and even installing an app to fool DateMaker’s location settings. Each new conversation filled him with the adrenaline of a new chase, and when he was inevitably blocked, he pouted. 

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Proud dads (My perfect dad 41)

Norman parked his gray SUV in front of the rundown storefront and then lifted his sunglasses to get a better look at the surroundings. A feeling of unease rose in his gut. It occurred to him that this whole thing could have been a setup, but it was impossible to tell. The building’s windows were all papered over, and aside from an old camper that looked like it had been abandoned for months, the parking lot was empty. 

“Are you sure this is right, Dave?” he asked, turning to the passenger riding with him. “This place looks deserted. Check the group text again.” 

Stylized image of an abandoned strip mall.
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Single-day project, part 2 (My perfect dad 40)

See Single-day project, part 1 for the first part of this story.

As usual, when the uplink terminated at the end of the day, the first thing I heard was the shriek of data noise in my head. I looked at my surroundings. It was nighttime, and I was alone sitting on a park bench in a neighborhood I didn’t recognize. I was still wearing the printed clothes I’d received that morning—a tight white T-shirt with DAD printed in block letters on the left breast and a pair of equally snug dark shorts. My entire body was drenched in sweat, which made my clothes cling to my skin. I was also holding a leash, with a golden retriever sitting obediently at my feet at the other end. 

That’s weird, I thought. If the project is over, why do I still have this dog

True to the confidentiality agreement I’d signed earlier that day, I had absolutely zero memories of the nature of the single-day project, or even anything I’d done that day. As the data noise quieted down inside my head, I waited for confirmation that Synaptica had processed my payment and the post-assignment instructions for how to arrange transportation home. 

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