M4M kink writing. Control and transformation of men. 18+ only.

On brand (My perfect dad 54)

Tom adjusted his tie for the third time, feeling the stares of shoppers as he walked into a store ominously called Suburban Savers. His tailored suit, a navy blue ensemble that hugged his tall, slender frame perfectly, stood out against the casual attire of the other patrons. He was acutely aware of the sweat forming at the nape of his neck, threatening to stain the crisp white shirt he wore beneath his jacket. Cody, meanwhile, was already live streaming their entrance, his phone held up high to capture every moment. The younger man, dressed in trendy, casual clothes, exuded confidence and charisma. His messy blonde hair and impish grin made him seem approachable, unlike Tom’s polished and somewhat intimidating appearance. 

“Hey everyone, we’re here at Suburban Savers with my new project. Say hi, Tom!” Cody said, turning the camera toward him. 

“Uh, hi,” Tom mumbled, trying to muster a smile. His cheeks flushed slightly. 

Cody laughed, patting Tom on the back. “He’s a bit shy, but we’re going to change that. Right, dad?” 

Tom swallowed hard, the mix of embarrassment and excitement swirling in his stomach. He followed Cody deeper into the store past rows of inexpensive clothing and household items. The bright lights and bustling atmosphere only heightened his discomfort. It was Sunday afternoon, and the discount store was packed. He felt as if every pair of eyes in the store was fixed on him, judging him for his out-of-place appearance. His mind raced with doubts and fears, but he pushed them aside, determined to see this through. Cody possessed an inexplicable magnetism that made Tom want to obey, no matter how awkward or embarrassing the command. He was also a master brand strategist; instead of making Tom his boyfriend, Cody had turned the older man into a product. Tom was powerless to resist. 

Cody led Tom to the men’s clothing section, where he immediately started picking out the most stereotypically fatherly items he could find. He grabbed a plaid shirt and held it up for the camera. 

“Let’s see, now how about this shirt? Perfect ‘dad’ vibes!” Cody said, grinning. 

Tom looked at the shirt, his face a mix of reluctance and submission. A trickle of sweat rolled between his shoulder blades. “You really want me to wear that?” 

“Absolutely. Your followers are going to love this,” Cody replied, tossing the shirt into the cart. He then added cargo shorts, tube socks, and a pair of sneakers with Velcro straps. 

As Cody continued his running commentary, describing each item and how it fit into their transformation plan, Tom’s trepidation grew. He tried to focus on Cody’s words, but his mind kept drifting to the absurdity of the situation. He had always prided himself on his sophisticated taste and impeccable style, and now here he was, about to don the most unfashionable ensemble imaginable. 

“This is going to be amazing, guys. Tom is going to look like the ultimate dad by the end of this,” Cody said, his enthusiasm infectious. 

Tom stood in the fitting room, staring at his reflection. Now wearing the plaid shirt, cargo shorts, and Velcro sneakers, the transformation was complete, and he hardly recognized himself. Cody was just outside, filming through the parted curtain. 

“Look at you! You look fantastic,” Cody exclaimed, zooming in on Tom’s face. 

“I look ridiculous,” Tom muttered, adjusting the shirt. His inner monologue was a whirl of conflicting emotions. He felt humiliated, yet there was a strange thrill in surrendering to Cody’s whims. 

“Ridiculously perfect. Smile big for the camera!” Cody commanded. 

Tom forced a smile, feeling the humiliation burn in his cheeks. He could see the amusement in Cody’s eyes and the gleam of mischief that made him both endearing and exasperating. Cody snapped a few photos and then posted a story to his socials, making sure to tag Tom. 

Cody laughed, clearly enjoying the transformation. “Tell us a joke, Tomster.” 

Tom hesitated, but Cody’s stern gaze pushed him forward. He recalled sitting blindfolded and restrained in a chair for hours on end, listening to old-time radio episodes until he could rattle off dozens of jokes by heart. “Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.” 

Cody clapped his hands, laughing. “Nice one! Now, say it with a big dad smile!” 

Tom repeated the joke, smiling widely into the camera, feeling both foolish and thrilled. The whirlwind of emotions sent simultaneous shivers down his spine and stirrings to his cock. The excitement of being part of Cody’s world mingled with the discomfort of stepping so far out of his own comfort zone. He would do anything the young influencer told him to do. 

Cody paraded Tom around the store, pushing a cart filled with more dad accessories, among them a “World’s Best Dad” mug, a barbecue apron, and a fanny pack. Tom’s discomfort grew with each item, but he couldn’t deny the thrill he felt. It was as if he were shedding his old identity and trying on a new one, if only temporarily. 

“What do you think, guys? Doesn’t he look amazing?” Cody asked his followers, turning the camera toward Tom. 

Tom forced another smile. “Do we really need the fanny pack?” 

“Absolutely. It’s all part of the brand,” Cody said, securing the fanny pack around Tom’s waist and cinching it tight, giving Tom’s flat stomach the suggestion of a paunch. 

Cody orchestrated embarrassing scenarios up and down the aisles of Suburban Savers, making Tom wave at random shoppers and give them a big, goofy smile. He made Tom pose in ridiculous dad stances, pretending to grill or mow the lawn with an imaginary mower. Tom’s mind was a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration as he tried unsuccessfully to use the “High Five, Down Low, Too Slow” trick on a stranger. He couldn’t believe he was doing this, but there was a liberating sense of letting go, of not caring about how he was perceived. 

“Show us how you’d mow the lawn, Tom,” Cody instructed. 

Tom mimicked pushing a lawn mower, feeling utterly ridiculous. “Is this good?” 

“Could be better, pops. Now, do it with enthusiasm!” Cody replied, laughing. 

At the checkout, Cody handed back Tom’s wallet, which Tom had surrendered to his puppet master out in the parking lot. “Alright, Tom, time to pay. Say cheese!” Cody said, filming the entire transaction. 

Tom reluctantly handed over his credit card, glancing nervously at the cashier. “Here you go.” 

The cashier, a young woman with a bemused expression, rang up the items. “That’ll be $587.50.” 

Cody posted the video with a playful caption: “And he pays! What a good sport.” 

Tom felt the weight of his submission as he returned the card to his wallet and handed it back to Cody. It was a strange sensation, being so vulnerable in front of Cody and his countless followers. He couldn’t help but wonder what they thought of him, this stiff, awkward man transformed into a caricature of a suburban dad. 

As they left the store, Cody spotted a photo booth and grinned. “Come on, dad. Let’s take some old-fashioned pictures.” 

Tom followed Cody into the booth, resigned to his fate and turned on by his debasement. Cody instructed him to pose for a series of photos, each one more humiliating than the last. Tom’s mind was a blur, the absurdity of the situation making him feel pleasantly detached, as if he were watching himself from a distance. 

“Smile, Tom. Our followers are going to love this,” Cody said, snapping pictures. 

Tom forced a smile. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” 

“Believe it. This is just the start,” Cody replied. 

As they left the photo booth, Tom felt relief. Despite the humiliation, there was something freeing about the experience. He had always been so controlled, so focused on maintaining his image. But today, he had let go, if only for the afternoon. Sitting in the car, he glanced at Cody, who was busy editing the latest batch of photos, and felt a surge of gratitude. Cody had pushed him out of his comfort zone, and while it had been uncomfortable, it had also been exhilarating. 

“Thanks, Cody,” Tom said quietly. 

Cody looked up, surprised. “For what?” 

“For this… Son. For pushing me,” Tom replied, a small smile tugging at his lips. 

Cody grinned. “Anytime, dad. Anytime.” 

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  1. DadGuy1983

    Truth In Dadvertising

    I read this story and I suddenly I just HAD to go out and get a pair of velcro sneakers! The story just sucked me right in. (Can I just say where have these been all my life!!) I have to thank Jay Hypno Writer for bringing me over to the Dad side! Well gotta go, theres a neighborhood BBQ and the steaks are really high!! LOL

  2. BKbrawn

    Just the start for Tomster, hopefully! Your loyal fans can’t wait to learn what happens next.

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