M4M kink writing. Control and transformation of men. 18+ only.

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The Rowdy’s Way

 Author: Jay Hypno  Category: Transformation  Published: 2024-05-04  Pages: 29  File Size: 995 kb  Buy Now

Ethan has been down on his luck and unemployed for months. He’s lost his income, his social life, and now, his coveted gym membership. Short on cash and staring down at the prospect of having to move back home, he takes a job at Rowdy’s, a casual dining restaurant out in the suburbs. The all-male wait staff at Rowdy’s are big, bearish, happy, and productive. They love working long hours and giving five-star service the Rowdy’s way. Ethan resists his training at first, but soon discovers the pleasure of conforming to his employer’s expectations.

The Rowdy’s Way is a 4,900-word short story. All content in this story is fictional and describes activities between consenting, unrelated adults who are 18+.


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